The journey of flying typically begins with the Private Pilot Certificate. By receiving your Private Pilots Certificate you will have mastered the fundamentals of airmanship, navigation, and communication.
Probably the most thrilling and satisfying of all the pilot ratings, the Private Pilot can fly virtually anywhere under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) while taking passengers along for the adventure.
Instructional Areas Covered
Pre Solo Flight Training (FAR 61.87)
Taxi and Surface Operations
Normal and Crosswind TOL's
Straight and Level Flight
Climbing & Descending Turns
Traffic Patterns
Descents w & w/o Turns Using High & Low Drag
Flights @ Various Airspeeds
Stall Recovery from the First Indication & Full Stall
Emergency Procedures
Go Around Maneuvers
Post Flight
The student will become proficient in all maneuvers listed in FAR 61.107 and Private Pilot ACS along with all knowledge areas in FAR 61.105 to include:
Ground Reference Maneuvers
Traffic Patterns
Performance TOL's
Steep Turns
Slow Flight
Power Off & Power On Stalls
Instrument Maneuvers
Emergency Operations
Post Flight
Cross Country Flights
The student will become proficient in all areas listed in FAR 61.93 and 61.109 to include:
Cross Country Flight Planning
Use of Aeronautical Charts and Dead Reckoning
Traffic Pattern Entries & Departures
Collision Avoidance
Instrument/GPS Operations
Radio Communications
Climbs at Vx and Vy
Control of Airplane Solely by Reference to Flight Instruments
Solo Cross Country
Check-ride Prep
The student will be proficient in all areas of FAR 61.105, 61.107, 61.109
Eligibility Requirements for Private Pilot Certificate
17 years of age
Third Class Medical Certificate
Pass FAA Written Exam
Log training in all prescribed areas of the FARR
Successfully demonstrate proficiency with an FAA approved pilot examiner